Actually you can try with wait for load option in your click or type into activities and set them to complete…and also in modern activities there is a verify execution option as well and auto retry the click or type into activities…you can leverage those as well to verify your clicks or type into actually worked or not
Alternate Method:
Use Find Element inside the Try catch, you can set the Timeout property to >60secs.
If the website cannot load within that timeframe, the exception will be thrown.
You can use check app state activity to check the browser finished loading or not by indicating the UI element in the website. And if not load properly you can use navigate browser activity for reload the browser.
To give some context, I would not reload the browser as it will restart the whole process again. I am accessing Qlik dashboards and they take awhile to load finish. Will verify execution if they work or not. Let me try and feedback to all. thanks
Yes then it will wait till all of the page is loaded
It is not unlimited only till the timeout it would retry multiple times…so if clicked and verification failed then if timeout is not reached then it will try again
No…It retries for multiple times in this time interval…not for every click and verification
Continue on error is it continues to next activity even if the activity inside this retry fails…if you give 1000 and 30s it will try for 1000 times with 30s delay between each and then also if it fails as the continue on error is checked it wont throw an error instead will move to next activity
If you want to continue even when it fails to identify that is when you would give continue on error as true
Is there a difference between the click target and the verification target? Will verification target be the area / space that we set on screen after click action has been performed?