Enhanced UiPath Marketplace for Enterprises | UiPath

Think back to when you first unboxed your iPhone. It started out as a blank slate that gave you the ability to make calls, send text messages, and snap photos. But with the ecosystem of applications available for download on Apple’s App Store, suddenly you were able to do so much more. In a matter of seconds, you could get Thai food delivered, schedule a dog walker, or even buy a bitcoin—the list goes on.


Like the Apple App Store, the UiPath Marketplace aims to give our customers and partners the ability to do more, faster. We do that by offering the largest library of robotic process automation (RPA) content available: from custom activities to connectors to machine learning (ML) models, the Marketplace provides solutions that solve a variety of business challenges across different industries, technologies, and use cases.


Back in 2018, we launched UiPath Marketplace in response to the UiPath Community’s request for a place to share knowledge through an open exchange of reusable RPA components. Our partners and our developer community have since contributed hundreds of reusable components to the Marketplace that have been downloaded millions of times, primarily by individual developers.


Today, we’re building on that foundation and starting a new chapter in the Marketplace history—its evolution into an enterprise channel.


In order for Apple’s App Store to thrive, end users (consumers) need to get value out of downloading apps, and the developers (publishers) need to get value out of building them.


When we look to what’s ahead for the Marketplace, the same applies: We’re focusing on delivering more business value to both our consumers who are downloading Marketplace content—and our publishers who are creating that content.


As with the rest of the UiPath Platform, the Marketplace was and continues to be built on customer-driven innovation. We sat down with (and Zoomed with!) dozens of Marketplace consumers and publishers to understand your challenges, and we’re grateful to those of you who took the time to provide your input. Below, I’ll share some updates we’re introducing as a result.


Marketplace Security Certification:

Better, more secure content for Marketplace consumers

The new Marketplace aims not only to create the largest repository of reusable RPA content but also to ensure the content is trustworthy and can be confidently used by enterprises and organizations.


We recognize that security is a non-negotiable for our customers and partners. With the new Marketplace Security Certification, we’ve taken your concerns into account and launched a series of enhanced security, functionality, and quality checks that ensure RPA content you download from UiPath Marketplace is enterprise-grade and production-ready. This is a leap forward in improving the content produced not only by UiPath but by any other Marketplace publisher. Through the Marketplace Security Certification, UiPath validates the content coming from external sources and confirms you can securely download and reuse it in your automations.


Marketplace provides three certification levels, each of which has its own requirements.

Bronze Certified

Bronze Certified is the first certification level and indicates that the Marketplace listing has met a set of quality and security requirements such as:


  • Content review ensuring the accuracy of the information submitted
  • Security checks guaranteeing that the development and security best practices are met
  • Functionality testing validating the intended use of the listings

Silver Certified

The next Marketplace certification level is Silver Certified. In addition to the Bronze Certified checks specified above, this certification level offers a deeper review of the listing’s security. The Silver Certified listings go through the same Bronze checks plus:

  • Malware detection with the help of antivirus engines
  • Potential vulnerabilities or legal and compliance issues in third-party dependencies
  • Comprehensive series of static code analysis

Gold Certified

The highest certification level available within the Marketplace Certification Program is Gold Certified. The Gold Certified Marketplace listings have undergone all Bronze and Silver checks plus:

  • Dynamic code analysis in which listings are checked against malicious behavior at runtime
  • Penetration testing (for custom activities) which involves manual inspection of the source code, package, and other listing artifacts

You'll find the certification badge on each Marketplace listing. A tooltip will help you understand what exact checks the listing has undergone before it was published on UiPath Marketplace.



This is an example of a Gold Certified listing available on UiPath Marketplace. Along with following all certification requirements, the listings offer publisher support with pre-agreed support service level agreements (SLAs).


Intellectual Property Protection:

Protected content for Marketplace publishers

While with the Marketplace Certification Program we aim to ensure UiPath customers consume vetted, high quality content, we’re also committed to creating the best publish experience. That’s why we launched Intellectual Property Protection (IP Protection). IP Protection offers publishers more flexibility in the way their content is shared with consumers and, when needed, protects their listings from reverse-engineering and decompiling techniques.


Some publishers are completely fine with having their Marketplace listings open source. They consider it an opportunity to exchange knowledge, test their developer acumen, and even improve the quality of their code. Usually, these individuals don’t mind if their listing’s code is being reused or modified by others.


However, that’s not always the case. A certain group of publishers—mainly those coming from enterprises—are concerned about having their code easily accessible: some prefer not to share their intellectual property, others want to protect their code from malicious intents, while others are blocked from publishing their listing unless their organization makes sure the code is secured. Enter IP Protection. The program offers protection against major decompilers and adds a level of assurance against those who want to obtain the source code behind a package. As of now, Marketplace IP Protection applies to custom activities only. And publishers have more flexibility because IP Protection is optional.


Guide for Marketplace publishers:

Helping publishers improve listing performance

We see communication as the foundation of every relationship, be it personal or business connections. Marketplace, of course, is no exception. So, we asked ourselves:

  • What can we do to help publishers build content that consumers are looking for?
  • How can we strengthen the rapport between consumers and publishers and ensure a win-win for both?
  • What are the best practices (those do’s and don’ts) within the UiPath Marketplace?

We gave it some thought and put the answers to those questions in what we call the "Guide for Marketplace Publishers." The Guide for Marketplace Publishers represents a set of materials aimed at educating Marketplace publishers to define the purpose of their RPA listing, streamline that message to consumers, and to increase the overall performance of the listing on UiPath Marketplace.


We’ve collected all the recommendations, tips and tricks, and best practices in one central, easy-to-navigate location: Marketplace Documentation Portal. From getting started in the Marketplace to learning how to pick content that matters, and more, you’ll find it in the Documentation Portal. You can also get an overview of UiPath Native Integrations and other popular listings available on Marketplace.


In the past two years, UiPath Marketplace has undergone numerous changes: we’ve grown into the largest RPA marketplace, shifted the strategy, updated the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX), and introduced new programs. But one thing remains unchanged—our desire to make your lives easier with the help of automation. We’re thrilled to introduce you to the enhanced Marketplace with diverse, enterprise-grade content, and a first-class experience for all Marketplace audiences.


![Explore Marketplace](upload://wFspKldu8RaNmuvZLexmO9lmxSN.png)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.uipath.com/blog/uipath-marketplace-enhanced-for-enterprise
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