Email uipath

i want to handle any error if it comes while running and capture image with time stamp and also send email to specified person with subject and body.

i have written code for taking screenshot and saving it in folder, i want that it send email as well.

Here i am attaching my code.Main.xaml (43.8 KB)

@Rakesh_Tiwari After save image activity, if your using outlook for send mail. click on attach files in the activity or Attachments (collection) in properties panel. Then you will get pop up like below, giving direction as “in”, Type as “String” and value as complete path of image with extension as shown in below screenshot.

Thanks for ur reply, That’s done

But the problem is, I have such requirement that if someone is using any file it should send email that so and so is using that file.

but it is not working, it’s opening and then closing after some timeMain.xaml (46.1 KB)

can anyone reply fast

@Rakesh_Tiwari Check below link

Do i need to write the c# code?

coz when i run my code, it is the opening and closing the file
in loop without giving loop.

@Rakesh_Tiwari Yes you need to write small one line code, which is already written by someone you just need to use it thats all.

Things is that, i am using community edition of uipath now

@Rakesh_Tiwari You can do it in community edition of uipath also

This is the error i am getting

@Rakesh_Tiwari Remove default value for “IsFileOpened” variable.

Boolean variable accept default value True or False only.

ok, once it is open, it should catch and take screenshot and send it through email.

how to do that

@Rakesh_Tiwari I can see error in “IsFileOpened” Did you change the value of it like i mentioned previously?

no i hv not changed.

do i need to change the scope?

@Rakesh_Tiwari yes u need to change the scope of that variable

scope to what

ok, changed to flowchart