Uipath Reply mail

I was downloaded one attachment (with 2 excel sheets) from outlook, after downloading from outlook to my local desktop i should have to (copy or screenshot) of 1st excel sheet and paste it in the reply body mail.

use Take Screenshot activity and pass that variable in attachment

Hi @mansa

Use Send Outlook Mail Message Activity click Attach Files there Value you can pass the path.

Kommi Jeevan.

for each mail with subject i should have to download and take screenshot or copy… while spying in screenshot im getting an error

you want excelsheet or excel file?

i should have to copy that attachment -1st excel sheet in body part of reply mail

excel sheet

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Copy of Copy of Template for CCHD update_final.xlsx (28.7 KB) this is my attachment which im downloading from outlook mail to one folder. from this 1st sheet i should have to copy and paste in reply body mail

you want to add table format to mail body?

TakeScreenShot.xaml (8.6 KB)
cheers @mansa
output of ScreenShot you can use it in attach files

Hmm… thnkyou, let me try it once

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im getting this error

it’s working fine for me
show me the entire flow
screen shot !

It is showing that error for me

screenshot of entire workflow


Check the path of the image is given correct

Make the path in write line activity and check the path


I didnt changed any flow which you was sent, just i given path for excel application scope

take screenshot of excel sheet once
and change the save file path

let me try once again

Ok, let me try once