Hi All, i am reading the email from outlook and checking unread email and then checking the attachment count if greater than zero, but i am facing issue. my intension is to check the unread email one by one if any then checking attachment more than one and save the attachment.
What’s the issue you facing?
You should be using For Each Email activity with Unread mail property checked.
This will give you understand emails one by one.
Also check With attachments only property to iterate email with attachment. No need of additional check required.
no, in email it can have multiple atrtachment and i want to read only excel attachment which i am geeting from assest as i am reading using keyword, this not staright forward
pls help me with activity according to my scenario
Ok use the previously suggested For Each Email activity. Inside it use one for each activity to iterate and match the attachment name using If condition.
but for each email activity required another activity to use that is get outlook or get desktop activity.
my requirement is i want to invoke to seperate workflow, there is master dispatcher in which if email read as input argument then only download aatchement flow should be invoked or else it should open outlook and go each item and then check for attachment and then download, so i want to build a logic like that.
i just need to help in calling downloading thing in else part, where i am confused.
Yes you will require to use at least Use Desktop Outlook App
activity to interact with any email object you pass to your download attachment workflow.
ok leave that one, atleast help me on this
Read Range: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
i am reading file as read range activity and output is datatable and also initilized as system.data.datatable
what mistake i am doing
How about the following?
It will read only UnRead Mails
Sequence20.xaml (13.7 KB)
For this I would suggest to start new thread as it’s new query. Keep one thread one issue. This will get noticed by other experts easily.
it got resolved, i printed all three values it was coming correct but all were coming from asset and there one value was not correct. later i corrected it.
Thanks @lrtetala @ashokkarale for all your support and prompt response, really appreciate it.
now one more scenario came up, where i need to find the attachment name and take out to the next flow i.e process xaml flow as out argument.
Note - this is not under currentemail iteration, this loop is checking attachments in the email
this is also resolved