Email automation send in a thread by using .msg

hello, dear robot masters
is it possible to do this simulation as in below:

  1. filter the unread mail in the inbox
  2. user get the pop up box telling how many messages they got
  3. Then user click okay/ enter.
  4. The reply email is ready to be send with the same subject, same email thread, same business agent, etc.
  5. Reply email is pop up
    as in below:

Already did the simulation but didnt manage to get the answer. Thanks in an advance

Hi @f39b242a4f84ba555bd3

How about below way?

  1. Get Outlook message with filter
    [UIPath] How to use Filter in Get Outlook Mail Messages Activity - Surf & Perf
  2. show message box (or input dialog) with number of unread message (object.count)
  3. if user push okay, then go #4, else do nothing
  4. reply to outlook message in for each unread message object


Hello, what do you mean by #4?

I mean you might be get multiple outlook object at 1.
So you need for each outlook objects to reply each message.