Edge Update - Save As Selector No Longer Working

Over the weekend Edge updated to the latest version: Version 114.0.1823.37

Since then clicking Save As in the download prompt appears to longer be available as a selector. Anyone able to get it to work? When using UiExplorer it just highlights the entire download pop up.

Things tried so far:

  1. Other UI Framework options
  2. Uninstall / Reinstall UiPath Extension
  3. Uninstall / Reinstall Edge
  4. Reset Edge
  5. Updated to latest Studio version available.

Rolling back to older version of edge does allow it to start working again but would like to plan for the future. I know we could use wait for download activity but it’s not the best for multiple file downloads at once.

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Please check this…there has been few issues after upgrade…for now there is a workaround …UiPath is working on fixing as well…i fyou are modern activities then work around would be working for you



@Anil_G appreciate it, looking forward to an update.

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