Dynamically assign value to argument

Hi all,
I have a process that check date and I need to invoke it for an array that contains name of variables,
array = {“date1”,“date2”,“date3”}
On an argument, in this case Out, there is any way to use something like VB evaluate(expresion) to calculate and assign the output to the variable.
Something like this:

Thanks in advance.

Hi @chema.gomez_Setesca

Out variables are set in the sequence and returned, if you should calculate any value you need to do this in the sequence where it is returned from or in a separate assign after retreival.


Hi BjarteIversen
Well, I aplly this solution at this moment, but I was investigating if it’s possible in order to reduce elements and code. I think it will be interesting this kind of features.
Thanks for yout answer.

Hi again

I totally agree that more dynamically added values could be a great thing to expand the uipath functionality With in the future.



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