Iterating through 25 variables


I have a workflow with a large amount of variables. Based on these variables, the workflow prints some values to a Word Document. Currently, the workflow is hardcoded to print “CustomerExists1” / “CustomerAddress1” / “CustomerPrice1” and then “CustomerExists2” / “CustomerAddress2” / CustomerPrice2" in 25 separate Sequences.

Ideally, what i would like to do is to do a Do While i<=25 loop and then dynamically assign the variables as they are all (7) named like “Variable#” from 1-25. This is something I have done before when working with VBA, but I am not sure how to do it in UiPath Studio. What I have tried is something like:

Do While i<=25
Assign CurrentCustomerExists = “CustomerExists”+i.ToString()
Assign CurrentCustomerAddress= “CustomerAddress”+i.ToString()

If CurrentCustomerExists = TRUE Then
Insert CurrentCustomerName to Word

Assign i=i+1

This does not seem to be working, specifically I am getting Compiler errors when i try to use my ‘CurrentCustomerExists’ variable in an If statement, as it looks like UiPath is treating it as a string. Is there any way to accomplish what i want to do?

Thank you in advance.


Instead try to use a dictionary to store you values…so that the keys can be strings and we can use

currentaddess = dict_customer("CustomerAddress"+i.ToString).ToString


Do i understand you correctly that i create a dictionary variable, and add all my variables there, e.g. Key:“CustomerExists1” Value:CustomerExists1 and then I’ll be able to assign current address to the String Value in the Key and it will fetch the Boolean/String/Whatever value in the Value?

I haven’t worked with Dictionaries before (or much UiPath in general honestly, I’m pretty new to this)


Yes exactly…

So what you can do is

Use assigna ctivity to assign the value

Dict("Constantname" + index.ToString) = "Value"

Here constantname can be any constant you need and index is 1 to 25 or any numbers you want to save

And to access use finalvariable = dict("ConstantName" + index.ToString)

As .ToString casts to string you xan cast to the final respective variable type

Have some starter help here:

Having a bunch of variables like CustomerAddress1, CustomerAddress2, CustomerAddress3 etc is incorrect design. This is what datatables are for. You need to put all the data into a datatable (which is like a spreadsheet) and then loop through it.

A Dictionary is not a good solution for this. It should be a datatable.


Depends on how the values are being assigned…

Both works


However they’re being assigned, they could be put into a datatable instead of all the individual variables, and a datatable is clearly the correct design when you have the same values for each customer ie Exists, Address, Price etc.

Using a dictionary with keys like CustomerAddress1, CustomerAddress2, etc doesn’t fix the poor design. It just makes it possible to loop through the poor design. This is very clearly a situation where a datatable should be used.

Hi @Morten_Rasmussen

  1. Create an array or list to store your variables. In this case, you can use a List of a custom data type to store your customer data.
  • Create a custom data type (e.g., CustomerData) with fields for CustomerExists, CustomerAddress, and CustomerPrice.
  • Create a List variable (e.g., customerList) of type CustomerData.
  1. Use a loop to populate the list with your customer data:

For i = 1 To 25
Assign CurrentCustomer = New CustomerData
Assign CurrentCustomer.CustomerExists = True ’ Set the value based on your logic
Assign CurrentCustomer.CustomerAddress = “CustomerAddress” & i.ToString()
Assign CurrentCustomer.CustomerPrice = “CustomerPrice” & i.ToString()
Add To Collection: customerList, CurrentCustomer

Now, you have a list (customerList ) containing your customer data, and you can easily access it dynamically without the need to create individual variables:

For Each customer In customerList
If customer.CustomerExists Then
Insert customer.CustomerAddress & " / " & customer.CustomerPrice to Word
End If


I agree it is poor design, and I did not assign it. I am trying to find a way to work with what I have, and what I have currently is 3x7x25 arguments that are populated in one workflow and imported to another workflow :upside_down_face:

I think this sounds like the simplest solution, thank you.

This way I can keep all my variables as is, populate an array with the values, and then iterate through the array when populating my word document.

Thank you Nitya!

*I did not design it

It would be worth the work to convert it to using a datatable instead of all those arguments. Just my opinion.

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