I am attempting to iterate through rows in a data table that stores the names of Clients. These client names appear on a web page as clickable links.
I am trying to insert the Client Name variable into a selector like below:
Although once my process navigates to the webpage I just get an error message saying that the selector could not be found, even though my variable has stored the correct string.
The web-page is live and always changes so the Client Name links aren’t always in the same spot, so I figured the selector would be able to pinpoint the variable on the web-page.
As per ur way of dealing with selctor approach there may be some attributes in selector which are changing apart from client name , please check it briefly by using UI explorer.
Instead of using selector approach the best way according to me is use datatscrapping approach.
Like since is table so u can scrap the table along with link associated with each client name then iterate through client name and navigate to it’s corresponding url.