Is there any static element in my selector that always yields the same result attached is the image for get text activities UI Explorer.
In the image above i always get the value as 11603669 which should not be the case as it should be dynamic.
Is there any static element in my selector that always yields the same result attached is the image for get text activities UI Explorer.
In the image above i always get the value as 11603669 which should not be the case as it should be dynamic.
@shekhawat.arjun1307 Click on aaname which is on the right side and make dynamic just apply (aaname = *) over the numerical value
Happy automation
Best Regards,
@Vrushali_Gave Already tried this, Doesn’t seems to work.
@shekhawat.arjun1307 could you please provide your workflow?
@shekhawat.arjun1307 You can refer this video : What is UiPath Fuzzy Selector And How to use Fuzzy Selector - YouTube
Best Regards,
@Vrushali_Gave cannot provide the entire workflow but sharing with you a small part of the workflow where i am getting issue.Main.xaml (11.8 KB)
@Vrushali_Gave Let me have a look at it. One other important finding is that when i try to open the browser from where i need to fetch the values from outlook mail i get this selector issue whereas when i try to open the browser from open browser activity i do not face this selector issue.
@shekhawat.arjun1307 Yes, then use open browser activity first
@Vrushali_Gave actually the hyperlink is available in the mail only, when i tried the open browser activity i entered the url manually in the open browser activity. One way could be to fetch the url from the hyperlink in the outlook mail and then store it in a variable and then pass that variable in the open browser activity but i cannot find how to fetch the url from hyperlink in ui path.
Hello i hope you doing fine, as you suggested to select aaname and then pass (*) Asterisk, after doing the changes when i go to validate the data it changes the place. What shall i do/
@Anirudh_Tugawe hi, you can use relative html tags like class and parentid to give reference to that particular string.