Dynamic Selector in Generate yearly former

Hello Dears,

I face a problem with system_createYearlyreport, so i am already put dynamic selector to choose year and month but it doesn’t work good.
if any one can help pls.

i put this phrase (<webctrl parentid=‘searchForm’ tag=‘SPAN’ aaname=‘“+month.ToString+”’ idx=‘1’ /") for month. (click activity)

best regards,

hi try ‘"& month.ToString & "’
Note. Please ensure space also there .

i’m sorry but the same error coming, the shot screen attached.

Probably code expressions are not supported within selector editor, but they are supported within selector property in properties explorer of the click activity that is located on the top right side of Uipath Studio. You should put your expression there.
And I also see that your expression misses opening double quotes.

Try first to click on drop down list and then select month as per user input using dynamic selector and plzz ensure the space ‘“& month.Tostring &”’

Thanks dears for your response, so i delete some word (Report) in the line of the dynamic selector then it’s work good.

Best regards,

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