Download Zendesk Ticket Attachments


Does anyone know the correct Zendesk activity to use to download the attachments from a ticket? I’ve been messing with this forever. I had no issues getting ticket metrics, but this attachment thing is impossible. I keep getting an error stating nothing is found, but there are attachments. I am using the UiPath Zendesk package.


Hey @Josh_James

You need to use this I guess,

Pass the attachment ID from the ticket details you got.

Hope that helps.


Thank you for the reply. I was looking into this activity as well. I am debugging the ticket metrics from a ticket that does have an attachment, but I do not see where the Attachment ID would be. Do you know how to obtain the Attachment ID?

So @Josh_James I guess it should have Attachment object.

Just try keeping a dot which gives you the list of props and methods the object has, Most probably it should have an ID property which can be used.


Sorry, I’m a bit confused. I am using the “Get Ticket’s Metrics” activity to see a list of results. I do not see an Attachment object anywhere. I do know this ticket has an attachment.


Hey @Josh_James

Can you try Get Tickets please ?


Hello. I tried that one, too. I keep getting an error saying nothing was found. I know the ticketID field is correct. Then I made a new variable for the output. Not sure what I am missing… Seems like every activity fails on me except for “Get Ticket’s Metrics”.

Hey @Josh_James

Could you please debug and show us the ticket output object ?


Thank you. Here is the output. Very strange because the “Get Ticket Metrics” works fine. In the “Show File” activity, I am using an int64 variable to get the ticket number, and my ZDattachments variable type is Attachments. Hard to pinpoint where it’s failing since there aren’t many properties to change here. I appreciate you taking a look at this. Thanks.

So you mean you are getting attachment ID from Get Ticket Metrics ?

No. “Get ticket’s metrics” is being used to get the created date for something else, but I can use the metrics activity to also get the ticket ID as int64, which is then being used in “show file”. The problem is that I cannot find the Attachment ID. I think if I can find that, everything else should fall into place. The end goal is to have the ZD activity download attachments for me.

Can you please use Get Ticket !

Get Ticket does not work either… Error only returns: “One or more errors occurred.” It’s not very descriptive at all. I’ve tried almost all of these ZD activities, and the only one that works is the metrics one… Not sure what I’m doing wrong.

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The ticket ID which you are passing in the metrics, could you please pass the same ?

“Get Ticket” doesn’t allow the same variable as the “Metrics” activity. “Metrics” allows a string variable, but “Get Ticket” is asking for int64. I then assigned intZDID = ZDmetrics.Ticket_id.Value so I could get the ticket ID as int64… but no luck.

Hey @Josh_James

Could you please convert the same variable to int which you are trying to pass for metrics ?


Yes, that is what my Assign activity does. intZDID = ZDmetrics.Ticket_id.Value is returning the Ticket ID as int64.

But as per screenshot you are passing zTicketID right ?

The ZDticketID (string) at the top of the screenshot is coming from an earlier activity where I grab the ticket number from the end of the URL. I use that variable to get the metrics of the ticket. I use those metrics to find the ticket ID as an int64.

Please use the same in the other activity as well.