Download specific images from PDF

Hello Expert,

I need to download a certain form form a multi pages pdf, but that form are not necessarily on the same page. What’s the best solution for this issue?

Hi @Nizri_Daniel ,

Could you provide us with a sample pdf file ?

If the form you are referring to is an Image and it contains some wordings that we could look for as keywords, then Applying an OCR on the Images would help us find the keywords which should in turn help us Find the Image you require.

For Starters, maybe usage of Microsoft and Tesseract OCR on the Images from PDF could be checked to find the required keywords. If not able to get the Image read then maybe using OmniPage/UiPath Document OCR could be checked.

Let us know if you are able to understand the approach and implement it or have already tried this.

Hi @supermanPunch,

I am able to OCR the form, and can match it with certain keywords, but how do i save that exact page if there are multiple pages in the pdf, as later i need to extract that page as image to paste it somewhere else.

@Nizri_Daniel ,

A Combination of PDF Activities would be helpful such as Get PDF Page Count. This would help us to get the Total number of Pages in the Document.

We could perform a Loop from 1 to the Total Number of Pages using a For Each Activity.
In this way, we should be able to get the Page on which the Keywords are present. Then we use the Export PDF Page as Image Activity to get the image of the page.

Let us know if you were able to understand the above methods.

Hi @supermanPunch

Thanks for your help

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