Are you suggesting to use the screen scraping activity to loop through each of the pages, create a list of new items, add the items to the que and then execute the download?
I tried doing this but was having difficulty looping through the pages.
I used find children to build a list of pages (Variable: Pages)
I then used the for each loop (For Each item in Pages)
I then used the find children activity to build a list of all records.
I am not sure how to specify to select only new records.
@Nithinkrishna I was able to use data scraping to build a data table but I having a problem where I download the same PDF file each time regardless of status.
Here is the data table that I exported to excel as an example (Focus on column H (Status))
aa name is my selector
When I click on the extract structured data table activity and then look at the selector I receive this <uia role='table' /> <uia role='item' tableCol='1' tableRow='2' /> <uia role='table' /> <uia role='item' tableCol='1' tableRow='3' /> <uia role='table' /> <uia role='item' tableCol='0' tableRow='0' /> <uia idx='2' role='table' />
For those following my activity, I have made significant progress today. I needed to add a dynamic selector and index the dynamic selector int variable.
I am still left with one remaining problem. My robot will not download just new items. The robot appears to identify the first “new” file and then downloads each item regardless of status below the first file.
Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can ensure that I am only downloading items with the status of “New”?
I am already using an IF condition:
“row(7).ToString = “New””