Download files form various websites


Bot should visit the download file site. It should download different sizes of files from that website(link is shared below) as per size mentioned in the input sheet. Then after successful download of each file, bot should visit another application where it should upload the recently downloaded file.

What activities to use ? what steps follow ?


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Hey @Muralikrishna_Surve

  1. Open Browser

  2. Click

  3. Wait for download

  4. If condition

Above is the list of few useful activities for the scenario!


Hi @Muralikrishna_Surve,

If you are going to download according to terms after opening the browser, first define the terms and then proceed to the download steps. You can also use the file exist activity (identify by extensions) to make sure the folders you’ve downloaded are downloaded.


Hello @Muralikrishna_Surve

You can do as below

  1. use use application/browser activity and open the application
  2. click activity to click on the download button
  3. use wait for download activity
  4. use click or type activity to upload
    5)Move file activity to move the file from from default path to some other folder after uploading( it will help to avoid duplicate files in the folder)