Download File from URL or HTTP request to download image from website not working after Publish locally to Assistant

I’ve build a workflow to download images from website
I tried both of these methods:

  • Download File from URL
  • HTTP request

    When running via Studio, all the files are download as I want.

However, when I try publish project to locally .nupkg file and add to Assistant, it says success but nothing has been downloaded

maybe you can more investigate where the bot would/should download the file. Feel free to share with us some more details of the modellings

I set the download path to %userprofile%/download
1, Running project in Studio, the files are downloaded
2, Publish project to .nupkg and add to Assistant, the files are not downloaded
I cannot upload nupkg file as attachment since I’m being restricted.

thats fine, as we are more interested on setting, inspectable within studio and shareable e.g. by screenshots

give a try at:


When I copy nupkg file to C:\ProgramData\UiPath\Packages
I go to UiPath Assistant and click Migrate to Personal Workspace then run it.

Here’s screenshot on Orchestrator

  • I’m using variable with this value to save path
    as I can only say the project working fine if running via Studio.

please show us a screenshot from Windows Explorer where we can see the path above in the address bar and the files (when executed from Studio)

Also let us know more details on:


assistant from another machine or the same one where Studio is running?

I tried to download image from url:

Running in Studio, it will be downloaded like below image

Running in Assistant, it only says running done without image downloaded.

I ran both in same machine, same account

I’ve found out the problem.
Studio was crashed while I was working so it automatically created Main(autosave).xaml
I was unaware of it and continued working on it. So when I publish, main.xaml (not updated) is chosen as main file.

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