How to Get or Scraping or Download an Image from websites?

Hello all, I want to ask how to scraping or get or download an Image from a websites? i only can scraping text now… i need to get this image from websites.

I have been create this workflow for getting title and content text, so what should I do ?

Here we go (you need http activity lib for that):
image-download.xaml (8,0 KB)

what package or depedencies i must to download sir @moenk ?

Hola @Ricky_Fenardo

You have to save image to a certain location and in order to do so, follow the following steps:

  1. Right click on image element
  2. Choose save image as option
  3. Save it on desired location.

It’s simple workflow contains click and TypeInto Activit

Web Activities:

Thankyou bro @moenk case solved

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