Download Box file not accepting parameters as input

We were forced to update to Studio v2023.10 because Box activities stop working as expected for 2022.4 Studio after UiPath Box integration March release.

Now we are trying to make it work with the new activities but we can’t make it work using variables instead of selecting the folder using activity wizard.


“File” property just accepts String variable but it returns “Not found” error message with every test.

Documentation says " This field supports IResource type input", but it is false. Activities - Download File

There are multiple automations affected across the company.

Thank you!

Hello again @Juan_Felipe_Carvajal,

Have you submitted support cases for this? It is very difficult for us to triage your issues without and given the fact that you have multiple automations affected I think it is your best course of action.

As I mentioned in the other post, we did note a bug in the ‘Get Folder Items’ activity (for Box v4.0.3) whereby passing a valid folder ID was not fetching all items. We have a hotfix that will be released imminently.

@Meha_Dugar tested the Download File activity for the newest version of Box (not requiring a pre-installed package) using the filed ID and it worked so we were unable to reproduce your issue.

Please submit a support case so that we can better assist you.

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We have raised the ticket 7 days ago but like you mentioned, we depend 100% on the Get folder items activity being fixed so we decided to update because the situation was critical for business.

Regarding Download File activity, yes, giving the file ID as input string works.

Thank you again for you support.

The hotfix is going out tomorrow first thing for Get Folder Items for Box v4.0.3

We actually weren’t able to find your support case. Can you please identify it here? Feel free to DM me.

Hey @Juan_Felipe_Carvajal, the fix for ‘Get Folder Items’ just went out to all rings of production. Can you please check?

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