Unable to upload sheets in uipath

Hi, when I try to enter the variable in the file name in the upload dialog box of the SharePoint site it selects a different file name. Could you please help me how to resolve this?

Hi @Cuberoot

Did you specify the sub folder in find files activity? If not it will search the main folder or the root folder.

Can you show/check the parameters of the activity


Actually in the file name I have used variable where all the files are saved, but it didn’t select it.

Hi @Cuberoot

Can you show how you have given the file name ?

What variable are you using?



Hi @Cuberoot

Okay so you are trying to do it with ui directly…you can as well use office 365 if you have api credentials. I was under impression that you are using office 365

After doing type into to a send hotkey with tab …so that the filename gets changed… may be the previous selected item is retained.

If this is not working then indicate the element again and you can see around filename you will see element highlight with two red squares…so try selecting the outer element

If you are not able to find please feel free to ask


Thanks for the info but I am facing one problem in my workflow there are 2 files which need to be upload in the sharepoint but somehow it will upload so many times.

Hi @Cuberoot

What do you mean so many files? are you giving a folder path to upload? or the file is getting uploaded multiple times?

Can you share the workflow here?


Hi @Cuberoot
Store the file names in a array of string variables and apply the for loop of it.
Then it will pick only the specific files that are stored in the variables instead of multiple files.
Try this and let me know if it works for you.