Doubt in Excel


2 queries i have sir

  1. how to highlight a particular cell in excel by giving different color?
    2.How can i retrieve the same names in the particular cell and also i need to store the result in another sheet of the same excel?


Can you upload the excel file. It may helpful to answer your question.

Srenivasan Kannan


Going forward mention your Title related to your Query , so that other developer can answer your question.

The title like … to highlight a particular cell in excel
2.How to give different color in excel

Happy Learning !

Hi @Lalithas

use excel ApplicAtion scope And use get cell color And use to print the color copol.Name.ToString

& you c@n do the m@nipul@tions by getting row (“ColumnName”).ToString


Ashwin S


Highlight Excel text in Color

Access your xl application using - Excel Application Scope
Use Assign Activity - one is for getting total Rows and another for Counter increment

Read your Content of particular Column - Using Read cell Activity

Use do while Activity - into that use if condition activity to find the content.
Use Set Color to set color on your Text.

mentioned solution is little more dynamic , since we have lots of logical solution for that.

Please find my Xaml file …It may helpful to (23.6 KB)

Srenivasan Kannan

thank u sir


Your Next Question is …
2.How can i retrieve the same names in the particular cell and also i need to store the result in another sheet of the same excel?

Here is the solution with out dynamic of Range.

Read the xl file using Excel application Scope
Read range of your Range
Write Range in Sheet2
Remove duplicate values there to get the Original text.


Please check the workflow file. (21.5 KB)
Happy Learning …

Srenivasan Kannan

Thank u

If this is useful can you mark as solution.

Happy automation !