Domain Name (Orchestrator) for Azure VM

Hi there,

We have Orchestrator installed on an Azure VM and having difficulties getting the “Domain\Username” right. The VM is on a workgroup and is entirely on the cloud.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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Hi @mir.jami

Welcome to our UiPath Forum! :slight_smile:

Could you specify a bit at which point of the setup do you have the issue?
What are you trying to achieve?

Please don’t hesitate to also contact our technical support for specific help in your Orchestrator setup:

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Hi @mir.jami

I think you need to pass the domain\username to connect to the machine right? You can use the same in orchestrator also

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Having the exact same issue. Connecting a robot that is located on an Azure VM with Orchestrator - what should I input as the Domain\Username value?

Normally you should open the command line and use the output of the whoami command.