Is Document Understanding(IDP) only available in Studio? If so, it there anyway a Studio X user can use it to experience the benefits? I don’t see a menu option for Packages in Studio X, but do see a Setting>Manage Source>User Defined Package Source. Will that work, if so please explain the steps to add Document Understanding. If it is not available for Studio X users, please add this to the recommendation list.
Hi @kcaller
You can do document understanding in the studioX as well
Please see the below screenshot, the packages are still available in the studioX under all packages
That you so much, that was very helpful. I look forward to using this product.
I downloaded the packages with no problems, but there is no Taxonomy Manager option shown on my Studio X menu(See below).
Hi @kcaller
The taxonomy manager is not available in the studioX even though we have packages for Document Understanding
@loginerror Please confirm on this issue.
Bummer…hopefully this will change in a future upgrade. It can be confusing for StudioX users to know what functionality they lack by not being a Studio user.
Thanks again for your assistance.
Kimberly Caller | Business Systems Analyst, Digital Solutions | CAO PHONE # 913.905.8197