Document Title

Hi there,

I am automating the download of document from website.

However after typing the new name when dowloading, the document is still dowloaded with the old name.

How to fix ?

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Hi @Youssef,

I assume you are using save as option.

Are you using simulate type in typeinto acticity?

Please try with default hardware and check Activate checkbox in property.


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Hope these steps would help you resolve this
—use ATTACH WINDOW activity and choose that save as window as a element
—now inside that use TYPE INTO activity and mention the input string with FOLDER PATH as well like this
“C:/Folderpath/Yourfilename.xlsx” for excel file or we can change that file type we want to save accordingly
This will ensure that the file is created for sure
—and also make sure that in the property panel of type into activity set some value for delaybetweenkeys as 2000 milliseconds
So that delay will be set between each characters and this will also ensure that the file path is set completely
—and next to that in property enable simulate type property

Hope this would help you
Kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @Youssef

thanks it worked

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