Difference between Linear process and Transactional process

Difference between Linear process and Transactional process

jayakumar S

Hi @JayakumarSanthanam ,

Please check

Best regards,

Thanks, i would like to know this actually.

Difference between Iterative process and Transactional process???

Hi @JayakumarSanthanam
There are three different types of processing.

  1. Linear
  2. Iterative
  3. Transactional

All three differ on how data is fetched and processing is done.

Linear: Data is fetched once and processing is done once.

Iterative: Data is fetched in bulk and processing is done iteratively.

Transactional: Here data fetching and processing are independent from one another as they are split into different states. In iterative if a single data point results in a failure, whole workflow can fail but in transactional as transactions are independent of one another a single data point never results in breaking down of complete workflow.


I have explained this in #Tamil language if anyone is interested

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hello sir.can you make a video in english ?

This is a quick description for that

1. Linear Process:

  • Simple and Straightforward: Data is fetched once at the beginning, and the workflow processes it in a single sequence. Imagine a one-time data entry form being filled.
  • Example: Download a file, read its contents, perform calculations, and write the results to another file.

2. Iterative Process:

  • Loops and Repeats: Data is fetched in bulk (e.g., from a list, Excel sheet) and processed iteratively, meaning the loop repeats for each data item.
  • Example: Loop through a list of customer names and email addresses, sending a personalized email to each customer.

3. Transactional Process:

  • Independent Processing: Data retrieval and processing are separate stages. A queue holds data items, and UiPath robots process them one by one, ensuring if one transaction fails, others aren’t affected.
  • Example: Read data from a queue containing invoices, process each invoice for payment, and log the results.

4. Sequential Process:

  • Step-by-Step Execution: Activities are executed in a strict, predefined order. Think of following a recipe with each step dependent on the previous one.
    Example: Open an application, fill out a form, click a submit button, and close the application.

Choosing the Right Process

Linear: Ideal for simple, one-time tasks.
Iterative: Efficient for processing large datasets.

  • Transactional: Suitable for independent, fault-tolerant workflows.
  • Sequential: Essential for tasks requiring strict order of execution.

The key difference is that linear communication is strictly one-way, while interactive involves slower feedback and transactional features rapid, two-way exchanges where senders and receivers swap roles .