Diff between ele and informative screenshot

What is the difference between infromative screenshot and select element ?

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We can see these options in activity that interacts with UI of the application
Where informative screenshot is the image of the element that we have chosen or tried to access


Select element is the one with which we will be selecting the element that we want to access
Cheers @KarthikBallary

ok informative screen shot and click image are bth same?

No buddy
Informative screenshot is an option that comes in CLICK activity which will show us a small image of the element that we are trying to click
Even tat image will stored In the screenshot folder of that project folder

Click activity is an activity to access element where as informative screenshot is an option or a menu kind of stuff
Cheers @KarthikBallary

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Thank you what is the use of using activate activity?

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Activate activity enables you to activate a specified UI element. For example, it can be used to bring a window to the foreground.

Cheers @KarthikBallary


can it be used to selecting the text, which selectors cannot do?

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