Development, Testing and Production environment preparation

Hello All,
Need your support as we recently have UIPath product and i am asking about best practice to create Development, Testing and Production environment according to below criteria we have 2 studio users and 1 basic orchestrator and one unattended robot on the other hand also we have 1 test robot and 1 test orechestrator.

Hello @mahmoud.zaky!

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I am not sure exactly what it is you’d like to know. I’ve attached below a few links to Best Practices that might help.




Also here is the link to our Orchestrator Installation documentation. There is a lot of information but this should proved fairly detailed steps to install and set your Orchestrator environments.

Now for some high level advice. A common practice is to set up 3 environment.
This allows for 1 Production environment where your actual data and systems will be interacted with.
You should also set up a UAT environment, that closely mirrors the Prod environment but does not actually interact with production data or systems.
Then your third environment is your Dev environment where the first processes will be built and tested.

The general flow is to build in dev. This is the Orchestrator environment where the Developers will be connected to. They will build and test here and when their automations are ‘ready’ they will get published to Orch. When these are ready to go through User Acceptance Testing they go to the UAT environment through a manual package transfer, or a CI/CD pipeline like Jenkins or Azure DevOps.

In UAT the same process can be tested in an environment that effectively mimics prod. One they work here it should be ready to go to production.

This is the general flow but there are ways to do this. Many people combine UAT and Dev into one non prod Environment and use two separate tenants for this. This means you’d only need two separate servers for Orchestrator. 1 for Prod, and 1 for both UAT and Dev.

It’s even possible but not best practice to have all three on one Orch by using three different tenants.

I hope this helps.

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thanks for your reply :slight_smile:

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