I have created one flow it will downloade the reports daily. The problem is date selection. This is my date my date picker(attached screen shot) Currently September month only selected, but when i try to ddownloade this months(30-09-2020) the date will choose 30-08-2020.
How to solve this
Hi @Srini84
Thanks. Which image not displaying
Now the image of date picker is displaying, can you take a entire field of date picker and show to us, is there any text field associated to that date picker?
HI @Srini84
You can use Set Text activity
before that the date should be converted as the format shows, for that
Check for tutorial on above
Once it done you can use Set Text activity instead of manually picking the date
Hope this helps you
Hi there,
I also have an issue with date selection.
I tried to select the date picker but the Uipath doesn´t work.