Data Scraping into Excel

I was recently tasked to make an automated RPA to datascrape prime and sub contracts into an excel sheet. Using the studioX community version of Ui path, and I am having a ton of trouble with choosing/creating an excel file the data will be inserted into. As well as creating a value or variable for the excel sheet, if anybody can walk or talk me through the process that would be awesome, here are my anchors and some other screenshots I think will provide more context.

Hi @RegalSmooch

Connect me on
let’s make meet


Just emailed you with meet code

Still haven’t gotten any help, please reachout if possible, thanks

Hey @RegalSmooch can we connect now I am sending you meet link


hi, In UiPath I am unable to get any Data scraping tool in design pannel.

No toggle button is there in setting->design

Please help

Hi @nisha.khubchandani

In the Latest update of UiPath Studio 2023.12.0 the classic design experience is removed and there is only option to use the Modern design experience, you can use the classic activities in modern design by enabling the classic option in filter in activities panel. By this update the toggle button to switch to modern in settings also removed because it is predefined modern design.

Hope you understand!!

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Yes it is clear, I have 22 emails and I want to take data from email body to excel as the email body contains data like po number, PO status but this data not in table.

Please help , how could I take all email body data in excel. I am handless now

Okay @nisha.khubchandani

If the data in your mail is not sensitive and confidential. Could you share one of the mail body then we will get to know how it will be.

Yes sure


please see this Image.From Body: PO Number, PO Total Amount, Buyer Information (Name, Telephone), Ship To(Company Name, Contact Phone, Contact Email), Bill To(Company Name, Contact Phone, Contact Email), End user(Company Name, Contact Phone, Contact Email).

o Save data in Excel

o Send success mail

any reply? I am stuck to do this please need help for the same

Okay @nisha.khubchandani

Use the Get outlook mail message or Get IMAP mail message activity to retrieve the mails, use any reference like mail subject to filter the mail. Output of the above two activities is List<Mail Messages>. The Mails and its details store in the output variable let’s call it as Mailmessages.

use for each activity to iterate the Mailmessages variables to loop through each mail. Inside for each take an assign activity to store the mail body in a String datatype variable. Then use the regular expressions to extract the required data from the mail body.

Check the below workflow for better understanding,

Hope it helps!!

this i have already done to save email body in veriable and i also extract email body in excel…the email body has lots of data i have given you an example, not in table …i have 22 emails …i want to take PO number , PO amount …all these in excel from body…please help