Data Scraping and Table Scraping (6.0 MB)

Hi Team,

In my attached exercise,I am trying to extract the data from webpage. but I found there are some issue no matter using “Data Scraping” or “Table Scraping”.

Issue on “Data Scraping”:
Coulumn heraders cannot be editted. this is not editable like the guide in the link below at Step 2.

Issue on “Table Scraping”:
The process cannot be auto-Stop when the page is in the last one. it expect the RPA process should be completed when it capture the last page. but actually it always keep running “next page” even there is no “next page”

By the way, I am using the UiPath version 2023.6.1

you can use the limit of extraction to stop

As you mentioned Its click again and again on next page:
You can check Next button selector, If image/Computer Vision is selected then disable it and only enable strict selector:

Thanks a lots, but it does not work in my case. not sure why.

it still keep next page again and again.

@felix.guan oh. One more thing check others selectors as well