Data Manipulation with Strings Example code issue

I’m doing the academy course Data Manipulation with Strings in Studio and have downloaded the example code for Extract Email without Regex

Practice 1 - Extract Email Address without (3.4 KB)

When I try to run it I get the message

Assign: Expression Activity type ‘VisualBasicValue`1’ requires compilation in order to run. Please ensure that the workflow has been compiled.

Any ideas what this is about please.

I’m using CE 2022.10.1 on Windows 11 home 64-bit 6.0.7

Hi @charliefik

Upgrade or Downgrade the Uipath.System.activity and check it


Did have 22.10.3 installed switched to 22.10.1 that didn’t work (same problem) moved to 22.4.5 still didn’t work. I then tried shutting down Studio and reopening it just in case but that also didn’t work

Run the process in Debug mode and share the Screenshot @charliefik

It’s now back on UiPath.System.Activities v22.10.1 when I ran that but get same error whichever version I use

Hi @charliefik

Click here and share the screenshot



It seems your double quote is not " (0x22) but . So can you try to replace your double quote to "?

Please also check the following post.


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Have you checked @Yoichi suggestion. Change the Double Quote "


Replacing the quotes worked. Thanks very much both of you.

This wasn’t my code it was the training materials code so they should look into the issue and replace it.

Thanks very much for the help.

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