CV OCR engine issue

I am unable to find multiple OCR Engine while setting Computer Vision recording.

@manojghosh89 you need to add package uipath.ocr.activities , which will give you screen ocr and document ocr engines.whichever OCR engine you want to see, you must have its relevant package installed. similarly for omni you need to add relevant packages as per screenshot below:-

Hi, Thanks for the quick reply.
I have installed multiple OCR engine like Microsoft, Abbyy, etc.
While doing the setting for Computer Vision recording I can only see Tesseract OCR.

install uipath ocr activities, i think it will show atleast screenocr more. screen ocr was built for vision activities.

Yes dear, already installed the Uipath OCR activities but no luck.

@manojghosh89 found the solution. so go to project settings–> OCR–> select correct ocr engine from dropdown → click OK and then try. Vision will then use the OCR engine you select. Mark as solution if this helps you.