CV Get Text not reliable


How can it be, that CV Get Text can not find the second value?


P.S. Another issue: instead of 0 (zero) CV Get Text extracts sometimes O (capital o). What to do?


Can you provide more info like did you include any exclude characters list?

Used any other options in cv…did you try with an ocr?

And are you using dynamic descriptor?

Firstly are there no reliable selectors that you could get?


What do you mean exactly by “include any exclude characters list”?

What do you mean exactly by “no reliable selectors”?

I use OCR and no dynamic descriptor.

Descriptor 1

“Target: TableCell (0,0,852,168)” +
“ColumnName: Veranlagung Steuerwert (456,0,100,39)” +
“RowContains: Gesamttotal (0,139,80,29) RowCell: 1”

Descriptor 2

“Target: TableCell (0,0,852,168)” +
“ColumnName: Veranlagung Ertrag (557,0,98,37)” +
“RowContains: Gesamttotal (0,139,80,29) RowCell: 1”

Descriptor 3

“Target: TableCell (0,0,852,168)” +
“ColumnName: Verrechnungssteueranspruch (656,0,194,39)” +
“RowContains: Gesamttotal (0,139,80,29) RowCell: 1”


In the ocr activity that is included in cv…you can add exclude characters if wrong or not needed characters are coming…

Cant you use normal activities to do these tasks was my question…are notmal get tect and all not working?


Where exactly is the option to add exclude characters?

Unfortunately normal activities don’t work, that’s why I use CV.

Indeed CV seems to be not reliable in some cases. I find CV also very slow.



Did you try active qccessibility as well?

You can click on the ocr engine you use in the cv scope and there you would have option to exclude

And yes cv are little slow as well…you can try changing the position a little and check…may be that might also be the reason for getting blank…basically the numbers you see are the cordinates and width and all


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