CV Automation

I am automating a web application using CV activities . Here I need to check one element prsnt or not it is like as pop up that pop-up was similiar to message box.i am using cv element exists activity…I am doing this in loop …for initial iterations I am getting expected output but after some iterations that cv element exists activity giving output as true even though element was not there…what may be the issue?


It might be that there is a similar field on the ui and it is identifying that…try to make the selectors more specific


Hi Anil,

There is no similiar elements like that pop-up.i have added that pop-up text as anchor which is unique. Here the thing is for initial iterations it was working as expected after 3 iterations it was giving true irrespective of element present or not…That output variable scope is global only…
That pop-up is similar to message box…


Sometimes how the frontend ui would be is that…the pop would not be seen by eyes but in the backend the selector of it is still would be visible as the pop up would be hidden but the element would still exists in the backend…

So please check the attributes like class or foreground, visible etc to get a unique selector only when it is truly visible on screen


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That application will not allow to inspect the element manually… That’s why we are using cv automation…

By using cv automation can we get selector of that pop-up with and without exists?


My bad…no we cannot using cv…can you show the cv selector you getting…

Also did you try to validate the cv selector or the element when it is not existing? Specifically when bot is recognizing it?



Here’s the selector of that element

“Target: Text ‘Error’ (388,367,43,16)” +
“Anchor: Text ‘The entry is not defined.’ (469,421,200,19)”


Is there any error related element present in frontend when it is detecting?

Also did you try to highlight element ?

First better try to upgrade your ui activities and. Use latest activities which are mjuch better in getting better selectors



while indicating element there are no errors.

The element was highlighting manually.

Studio version and ui automation activities version : 2022.10.5 (Enterprise Edition)


Not while indicating but when you see that issue when no window is present but still it is detected did you try to check manually if you see a similar window?

Try 23.10 ui automation version and also try to use modern activities
