Custom library SharePoint dowload to project data folder

I have a custom library that downloads file from SharePoint folder to local.
The problem is, when I try using it, I am getting error download to project’s Data folder.
I am passing the download path as “CurrentProject\Data\Input”

However, bot is trying to look for the Data folder of the library I am calling instead of Data folder of the current project.

Could not find a part of the path ‘C:\Users\Z_JTIDEVRP15.nuget\packages\custom_library\\lib\net45\Data\Input\FileToDownload.xlsx’.

For more clarity:
Project name calling the DownloadFile function: CurrentProject
Folder where I want to download the file: CurrentProject\Data\Input
Library name containing DownloadFile: custom_library

Does the folder Data\Input exist in your project?

this path exists: CurrentProject\Data\Input

When I changed the download path as Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory,“Data\Input”), it worked fine.
But as far as I know, passing the Data\Input even without mentioning the Environment.CurrentDirectory should work the same.