Downloading a file on execution VM

hi ,

i developed a process to download a file from sharepoint

i gave the path as c:\users\environment.username\document\SharePoint\fileName on local
SharePoint FOLDER I CREATED under documents on vm

its working fine ON LOCAL

how make this work on robot as its failing with error cannot find path
c:\users\LOCAL SERVICES\document\SharePoint\fileName


Use this in assign activity:

Environment.UserName will give you user name.


Ashok :slight_smile:

@ashokkarale Thanks i used Envirnment.username but its failing
seems there is some change as when i am executing the script its coming as NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE as host identity


Is your process background process? In that case follow this Host id is changing when i run in unattended mode - #3 by marian.platonov

Ashok :slight_smile:

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yes it is background automation


background automations by default run under local host so the username would be local users as you are getting in environment.Username

in this scenario use generic locations like c:\Botfolder\ which you can check and create if not available in the process itself


@Anil_G should i create a folder under c: drive asshare point folder and then will i will be able to download and add that file as an attachment ?


if you just need to download and attach…then better use Path.Combine(environment.CurrentDirectory,"Filename")

even the same thing can be done using c drive folder as well.

then you can attach from there as well


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