Get file: Value does not fall within the expected range

Hi @pauloengenharia5,
In the local path property, please specify the full path of the file (folder name + file name) where you want to download your file from SharePoint

From the screenshot, it seems that you are downloading an Excel file, so you your Local Path property should be something like C:/…/<SharePoint_file_name with extension>


thanks for the help friend

ItemURL: I put the sharepoint path from where I will download excel
Local Path : I put the path where I want to save my excel

but i keep getting error, can you please tell me how to solve this problem

Hi @pauloengenharia5 - How many rows of data does the excel contains that you are trying to download

Hello @pauloengenharia5

Did you try with another file? If not please give it a try with some short names.


I still haven’t found a solution

ItemURL: I put the sharepoint path from where I will download excel
Local Path : I put the path where I want to save my excel


@pauloengenharia5 Did you get a chance to update the related package and test it ?