CSP error when uploading to storage bucket AWS/Azure (Automation Suite)

When attempting to upload file to storage bucket, why is the below exception thrown?

Could not connect to server (error 101)

Issue Description: When uploading files to Storage Buckets in AWS or Azure, the below exception is thrown

  • Could not connect to server (error 101)


Content Security Policy is a web browser security layer that prevents a web app from making requests outside a trusted set of hosts.

  1. Confirm this is a CSP issue by replicating this issue while checking the HAR trace in the browser. Observe an exception caused from CSP, although in some cases there may not be a very clear exception showing a CSP issue and may be somewhat tricky to nail down.

  1. Content Security Policy is a web browser security layer that prevents a web app from making requests outside a trusted set of hosts. If a clear exception is not seen in the HAR trace, confirm if using a secure domain in Azure or AWS, such as govcloud. This can help narrow down if CSP is the issue. Check the Content Security Policy for the domains being called.


  1. See that there is a reference to the usgovcloud where the storage buckets exist
  2. To fix possible CSP issues, add the Buckets.ContentSecurityPolicy app setting and set its value to a comma-separated list of all domains to be allowed
  3. To update Buckets.ContentSecurityPolicy in app settings for Orchestrator hosted in Automation Suite, use the Orchestrator configuration tool mentioned Configuring appSettings
  4. Login to one of the Automation Suite nodes and navigate to the Tools directory. This is normally located in path /opt/UiPathAutomationSuite/ASVERSION/installer/Tools"

Example image:

  1. Use the Orchestrator tool to update config map Orchestrator-customconfig. First create a new json file by running vi "appsettings.custom.json". Update the json with the configuration desired to set. In this case, use url *.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net

Example Image:

  1. Update appsettings with csp policy Buckets.ContentSecuritypolicy. For more information on these configurations, see Configuring appSettings ​​​​​​​.

  1. Use the Orchestrator tool, which will merge the newly created json with the Orchestrator-customconfig config map. to update Appsettings, run the below command,

./orchestrator_configurator.sh -c appsettings.custom.json

  1. To confirm the setting has been applied, run kubectl get cm orchestrator-customconfig -oyaml. This will show the configuration, then see the appsettings field and confirm the configuration being updated.