"Credential assets should also be defined in this sheet, instead of the Assets sheet" why is that even though it is an asset?

“Credential assets should also be defined in this sheet, instead of the Assets sheet”

why is that even though it is an asset why we are doing it in settings seet?

please explain

RE Framework uses Get Asset to retrieve the Assets mentioned in Assets sheet. Get Asset works only for Text, Boolean, Integer, not credential. Hence its better to keep credential asset name in Settings sheet and use it in your Get Credentials activity.

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Thanks for the reply…but when we are using queue using orchestrator…is it ok to mention credential in asset sheet?

No,queues should be in settings sheet

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No I am Asking about credential created using asset in the orchestrator… is it ok to define in the “Assets” sheet in config.xlsx…?

@Akbar_Badhusa , To keep it simple you can have Assets sheet separate where you can list all the assets and separate sheet for Credentials to list all Credentials.

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Credential should be in settings sheet according to reframework.You can design your config sheet according to your need for your workflow.

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