[ReFramework] Why storing Credential asset in Settings instead of Assets?


I am using the Robotic Enterprise Framework “Get Credential” Activity and I want to get the Credential data stored in Orchestrator Assets.

I understood I should store the Asset name in Config.xlsx “Settings” sheet.

Why not storing this in Config.xlsx “Assets” sheet ?


@gilles.b I Think In Term Of Management Complex Business Process/Automation Store USERNAME And PASSWORD In ORCHESTRAOR It Is BEST PRACTICE.

The Get Credential Is Used To Retrieve Only Assets Of Type Credential .

The CONFIG.XLSX Is Like A Common Properties Or Settings File Which Allows
You To List And Use The Common Settings Or Configurations Across The Project.

Hi @truong,
I do use Get Credential to retrieve Credential Assets stored in Orchestrator…
And I have to pass through Config.xlsx to access Orchestrator Assets.
My question is why Settings sheet instead of Assets sheet…


RE Framework uses Get Asset to retrieve the Assets mentioned in Assets sheet. Get Asset works only for Text, Boolean, Integer, not credential. Hence its better to keep credential asset name in Settings sheet and use it in your Get Credentials activity.