Create File: Illegal characters in path when

Good Day everybody

I’m a beginner to uipath and slowly learning things. Now i’m doing a email automation that opens my gmail and reads first 50 mails. I have done the workflow and it opens up and reads the email but for some reason it throws error like this Create File: Illegal characters in path. and i don’t know what to do. I attached a screen capture of the error. Please anyone help me to solve this error.


@Srinivas_Arikrishnan ,

The Dynamic File Name being created is not proper.

Try the following :

  1. Before passing the FileName directly to the create File : Use WriteLine to Print the complete path.
  2. Take a new Sequence and put only the createFile Activity in it and pass the value from above writeLine.
    3.This way you will get to know what exactly is the issue.



I have figure it out bro. I just change the ContinueOnError from the properties of create file to true and it runs and prints out the output as it showed be. By the way thank you for your time bro much appreciate it.

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