Copying column values from one excel to another excel

Hello Community,
I want to create excel file named “CCTV Footage” and i want to copy specific columns from another excel named “Output dispute” file but condition is in “output dispute” file having more than 100 rows i want only 99 rows in cctv file and remaining rows should be added another file should be created that is “CCTV Footage1” for example i want to copy column values from output excel file but in output excel file column name like “RRN” and in cctv footage file column should be “Transaction No.”
what logic shall i apply for only 99 rows should be added and remaining rows should added in another cctv footage file?
i am attaching screenshot for your reference
Please let me know if anyone can help it would appreciate

Use a for each row and add data row activity inside it. If the index exceeds 98, add rows to another data table , else the first one.

can you please elaborate little bit?