Copy or Get images from website and past it word

Hi Experts,
How can i copy or get images from website and paste it word.
Could you anyone help me please?

Thanks in Advance

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Hi @Abubakkar
–use Take Screenshot activity to take the image from the website and the output will be of type .png format
–use save image activity and save the image in a folder
–use word application scope and to get this done go to design tab and manage package options and in official tab and type as uipath.word.activities and install it
–Now use word application scope and pass the file path of the word you have
–inside this use a activity called add picture and pass the file path of the image
Thats all you are done buddy
Hope this would help you
Kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification

Cheers @Abubakkar


hello @Abubakkar
or else you can Copy that image then use Start process Activity and set the path of your required Word file or if you want to paste it in a new file use Open application Activity and then use Send Hotkey Activity with Ctrl and V buttons to paste

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Thanks. In the Take screenshot activity in format field what should I type in browse for types field?

In Take screenshot just we need to mention the element to be taken as screenshot
i didnt get that buddy --Fomat…
Cheers @Abubakkar

so were you able to add picture to the word buddy
Cheers @Abubakkar

![image|690x119](upload://A053O4Nfi765FqIHQLlnFgdQHwr.png in the scope format is uipath.core.image ?
is it right ? or .png ?

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correct buddy
for clarification in the output property of Take Screenshot press Ctrl + K and it will let us create a variable and type will be created accordingly we dont need to worry on that
moreover .png is file format with which image is saved
Cheers @vickydas

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Thanks @Palaniyappan. I will working on it

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Cheers @Abubakkar

I get this selector error

Make sure that you have kept this take screenshot within attach brower if its taken from a web page and try once buddy

Cheers @Abubakkar

Once if i taken this screenshot from desktop folder
should i use attach window activity?

aah actually we need to keep this take screenshot activity either within attach window if the screenshot is going to be taken from a desktop window or with attach browser if its going to be taken from a browser - web page…
and once after taking screenshot if we are not going to perform any action in that window or browser, we can stop using activities inside that attach window or attach browser, that are not going to be performed within them
Cheers @Abubakkar

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Thanks @Palaniyappan
Yes got it… after i changed that correction i get the error is same