Copy data of column to another column using STUDIOX

I want to copy the column of OT hours of the employees to my monthly monitoring excel file.
and the extraction of this work is daily and we have hundreds of employees.
automation must copy the OT hours (column 23) in TIMECARD.xlsx

and must paste it on the OT monitoring column of the exact date and exact emp. ID

OT MONITORING.xlsx (12.1 KB)
TIME CARD.xlsx (24.3 KB)


If the rows values are in same order in both the files …then you can use read range activity and read thw required column alone…and then use a write range with the first cell number where the data pasting would start


And for pasting

Hope this helps


but it must save per department. and will repeat the process until it saves all the departments


If the order of names under departmwnts is same…

Then use filter dtaatable to gwt each department values separately…into different tables…

And you can use set variable activity and do…uniquedeptdatatable = dt.DefaultView.ToTable(True,"Dept") to get all the unique departments…then you can use a for loop on this output datatable and then filter for each dept automatically in the loop


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