Paste specific columns to another excel (8.2 MB)

The sample has changed. Please check.
I want to move files 1 and 2 to file 3
File number 2 moves to number 3
File 1 tries to connect the 4 columns to the appropriate place on the same sheet in File 3.
But it doesn’t work well. Starting with the data filter, everything…

ask for help please help

The finished look I imagined
4.xlsx (1.3 MB)


If its only copy pasting and there is no matching of data…then

  1. Read the data from file 1 into dt1.
  2. Use filter datatable activity…and then open the filter wizard and select the column tab….in the column tab…give the column index of C alone…which will be 2(as column index in excel starts from zero).athis will remove all columns from dt1 and retain only C column…give output table as filtereddt
  3. Now use the filtereddt and use write range and gice cell as “D2”

Repeat the same for other column also


The sample has changed. Please check.
I want to move files 1 and 2 to file 3
File number 2 moves to number 3
File 1 tries to connect the 4 columns to the appropriate place on the same sheet in File 3.
But it doesn’t work well. Starting with the data filter, everything…

ask for help please help