Copy Data from an application which is not fully visible on the screen and paste it in workbook

Hey There !

I need to copy some data from an application (data is not fully visible on the screen, we have to scroll to get full data) . And paste it to a column of Excel. I have tried using get text activity and screen scrapping as well but none is working.

Could someone please help with this automation. Highly appreciated, Thanks

can you please confirm is it table format , if so use table extraction

or try get full text or

other way is check element attributes which is holding required text and use get attribute to get the whole text

also check if the text you are able and remaining text are different elements


Hi @LAKSHMI_NARAYANA_PEMMASAN - The text is not in Table format.
Below is the text format and also there is more if we scroll down.


it looks like you trying some api and getting response , then you are trying to capture the response data

Why don’t use the http request Activity and same response by avoiding all these steps and you can even execute faster


Hey, this got resolved. There was a copy option , so I used click activity for that and then through recorder, I opened notepad and used send hotkey option from element->keyboard->send hotkey to paste the content.

Thanks :slight_smile:

then i would suggest to use activities related to note pad like write text file which will be back ground and will excute perfectly and no need to use recorder to open note pad and send keys
