I have an excel sheet with multiple columns. I am using Read Range Activity and the data table automatically picks a column type as double which is having both number and string values .
I want to convert that Column from Double to String. I don’t want to use any custom activity .
Please help.
Hi @Yoichi ,
Any help from your end would be really appreciated
Try using enabling PRESERVE FORMAT property in Read Range activity and then try.
I suppose type of Datacolumn is object if use ReadRange ativity…
Anyway, we cannot change type of DataColumn if data already exists.
The following sample is for create new datatable which has same name columns and expected data type.
Sample20211027-1.zip (8.9 KB)
If your datatable is very large, it might be better to write the above in InvokeCode.
Can I create a new data table with all columns as required type and then read the excel to avoid this issue
We can create datatable which has any type column. However ReadRange activity overwrite datatable schema when write data into it. So probably it won’t be solution.
My data table has more than 1 lakh of data , i am using for each but it is not feasible, I am using below invoke code but it is not working
newDt = dt.Select(Function(o) o.ToString).CopyToDataTable
Please can you check once
How about the following?
For Each row As DataRow In dt.AsEnumerable
newDt.Rows.Add(row.ItemArray.Select(Function(o) o.ToString).ToArray)
Sequence.xaml (8.2 KB)
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