Convert excel data to html

i want to convert excel data to html…for send the data in mail…
excel data is like:
|Name |Total Time Work |Start time |End Time |Status |
|Shubham |9h 23m |8:20 |18:21 |Present |
|hfhf |9h 23m |9:20 |19:21 |Absent |
…I want to send this in email body…

Please help…

Hi @Shubham_Akole

Mark as solution and like it :slight_smile:

Happy Automation :raised_hands:

Best Regards
Er Pratik Wavhal :robot::man_technologist:t4: :computer:

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I can’t get this activity…

Hi @Shubham_Akole

I have linked some of the previous threads too. Try those.

If any one from those works as per your requirement then mark it as solution and like it :slight_smile:

Happy Automation :raised_hands:

Best Regards
Er Pratik Wavhal :robot::man_technologist:t4: :computer:


Mark as solution if this helps


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