Connection String for MySQL database

Hi all,

I am new to RPA. I want to Connect a MySQL database for my UIPath Project. When I create a Connection String, It Shows this error.
My Connection String is : "Server=localhost; Uid=root; Pwd= ; Database=save_pdf_data”

Can Anyone Help me on this :roll_eyes:

Hi Savithrin,

You need to configure connection string with MySQL ODBC driver.
using Connect activity–>click Configure–>select Other–> from below dropdown select “.Net Framework dataprovider for ODBC”–>Ok
In the connection properties, select “use Connection string”–>Build.
On select Datasource, click on Machine datasource, where you should find your MySQL Datasource driver.If you dont find one, Click on new and follow guided steps to create one. You can follow below documentation for that.
once back at select datasource page, input username and password and test connection and you are done!!!


I’ve used the following string to connect to MySQL Database:

Hi @Mariliza_Bonesso what provider name you are using for this connection string?