Confirm if the Studio/Assistant installation is in User mode or Service mode

How to confirm if the Studio/Robot/Assistant installation is in User mode or Service mode?

Issue Description

Need to confirm if the Studio/Assistant is installed in user mode or service mode.

Note: The Service mode installation is recommended for unattended automation, on the other hand, user mode installation is suggested for attended automation. For further information regarding this topic, reference can be made to these documents:


To confirm whether the Robot/Studio/Assistant installation is in user mode or service mode, the following approaches can be followed:

Approach #1

Open a cmd.exe console, run the below command, and check the results:

Note: If the robot was not installed in the C:\Program Files\UiPath\Studio, then provide the correct path for C:\Program Files\UiPath\Studio\UiRobot.exe

FOR /F %i IN ('"C:\Program Files\UiPath\Studio\UiRobot.exe" --version') DO set RobotVersion=%i
sc query "UiRobotSvc" | find /i "failed" 2>&1>nul && echo.'UiPath Robot service is not installed' || (sc query "UiRobotSvc"| find /i "running" 2>&1>nul && echo.UiPath Robot service %RobotVersion% is Running || echo.UiPath Robot service %RobotVersion% is Stopped)

After running this command, a message confirming the status and current version of the "UiPath Robot Service" will be displayed. Please refer to the images below for more information.

Receiving a message about the "UiPath Robot service" indicates that the robot was installed in Service Mode.


Receiving a message stating "UiPath Robot service is not installed" indicates that either the robot was installed in User Mode or it was not installed at all.


Approach #2

On the robot machine, go to 'Start' > 'services.msc' and look for UiPath Robot service. If the service is found, that means the robot was installed in Service Mode. If the service is not found, then the robot was installed in User Mode.



Approach #3

If Studio installed on the robot machine, it can be opened. On the Home page (Backstage View), located on the lower left side of the window, the installation mode, the product version, and license information can be found.



Approach #4

In Studio, the information regarding product version and installation, license availability, and device ID is also found in the 'Help' tab, together with a 'Copy Info' button for quickly copying the details to the clipboard.


Approach #5

In the robot machine, go to 'Start' > 'Control Panel' > 'Programs' > 'Programs and Features' > find 'UiPath Studio' -> 'Change or Modify' > If the Register UiPath Robot as Windows Service feature checked, that means the robot was installed in Service Mode, if the option is unchecked, that means the robot was installed in User Mode.

